About Ela, 

Ela endured and overcame a lot of traumas. She spent 30 years doing tons of self-improvement work where she dug dipper, reached higher, stretched past her limits, studied longer, took very uncomfortable actions, changed, and then changed again, and again. She did a few leap jumps. She also stumbled, wobbled, fell, took a few bad turns, or reverted temporarily to her old ways. And through this journey, she transformed. Her mess became her message, and her message became her mission to help others transform their lives. She found her calling. A calling to empower people who are tired of life’s failures, broken relationships, loss, and mess, who are amid transition, and who are ready to become a force to be reckoned with.   

Can YOU Relate?

So many of us go through chaos in our lives. We face adversities, traumas, challenges, and obstacles almost daily. Some of us battle relationships at home or work. Some of us struggle with finances, health and wellness, unfulfilling jobs, our sense of selves, communication, living environment, retirement, balancing lives, and quality of our lives. We want to walk away, we want to quit, we are discouraged, disempowered, and overwhelmed, because we tried everything to make it better. We lost the sense of power, freedom, self-expression, and we don’t have peace of mind. Many of us turn to various addictions to numb and soothe ourselves. Many fall into constant state of anxiety and depression. We are tired and lifeless. We feel defeated.

And we go through life not living fully. We live mediocre lives. We go through the motion. Only a handful of us can just wake up one day and decide to change life for the better and succeed with no help. Others need a painful wake-up call in a form of accidents, loosing financial stability, divorces, serious health threats, death of our loved ones, near death experiences, or some other existential crisis. And even if things do change, how fast do we fall back into the old routine, the old habitual behaviors, the old way of thinking, doing, and being? Our inevitable future is almost certain to be a variation of our past.

It doesn’t have to be that way. Through my lengthy journey of improving my life I discovered that doing more, better, or different is not the answer. I needed to get real with myself, reinvent my life with a completely new set of tools, create new commitments, possibilities, habits, and a brand-new way of being, doing, and having. I hired a few coaches, and I was able to transform myself and my life. From a victim I became a victor. Today I stand strong in my sense of power, self-expression, freedom to be and to act, and peace of mind. Today I am confident, passionate, and unapologetically authentic.  

If YOU were able to receive extraordinary tools and coaching from the top certified personal and professional high performance coach and leader, what would your life look like? What new possibilities would open for YOU in your NOW and FUTURE life? How would your relationships be like, your sense of self, career, health, finances, fun, communication, living environment, and your quality of life? Just take a moment to envision it…

If you resonate with my message, fill out the application to see if we are fit to work together. If I am not a person for you, find a way to act NOW on what is important to you.

Thank you for taking your time to read this page and to consider me as your coach for a total transformation of your life. I appreciate you and cheer you on, no matter if you choose to work with me.



Why work with a Certified High Performance Coach? 

It's so much more than  coaching. It TRANSFORMS your life!

Best trained in the world coach asks you intelligent, thoughtful, and provoking questions


Having your best interest, coach calls out things in non-judgmental & caring ways


With structured curriculum, coach pushes you to move ahead & to rise up to your best self yet 


With remarkable energy, coach jolts you with a new perspective to re-fire your joy in life