Paying Forward

abundance money universal law Sep 11, 2022

You need money, desperately. The bills are due or are already past due. You are looking at your credit card statement and can't believe the amount you owe. Can you feel the tension building in your chest, neck, shoulders, head? You forget to breathe. You just sight. One loud and heavy sight, then another.  

Where to get money to cover all your bills? Let me tell you... you pay it forward. I was paying my bills past weekend. The amount was overwhelming, yet I blessed each company or a person that provided my services or goods (like bills, car or house) and trusted me to pay for it monthly. I opened many envelops, as I do each week. Among them was a charity I support for 18 years. I looked at the account and wrote a check for $45 (yes, I still write checks sometimes). There were two other requests. One was from Samaritan's Purse to support flooded folks in Kentucky and from Joyce Meyer's Ministries to build wells to protect children from being attacked by the crocodiles as they try to get water from the rivers. My heart went to both additional organizations, but I had no money to spare. And then I thought I will just buy less groceries, no problem. And I wrote two checks for $25 each. I sent all three charity envelops with a smile that I had enough to share with those who need it more than me. Four days later, my client, who was very satisfied with my service paid me $100 more that I asked for. And the next day, I received a letter from my PT that I have $218 credit of overpaid medical bill. Can you see how it all works? Money is an energy, just like everything else. You send it out and it comes back to you. Multiplied. Sometimes in comes in a different form. Sometimes you need to wait a bit longer. But it always comes back.  

I am sure you are confused and protest: "But it is I who needs money to pay for my bills! I don't have any to give!" You are about to skin me alive, I know. Yes, you give money to those who need it more than you, and trust you have to pay for your own needs as well. You give money to a charity, a church, or you buy something from from a person who helps you grow, who makes you feel good, who supports your body, mind, and spirit. You donate things that you don't use to those who have a need for it. You give a homeless person a bottle of water, an apple, a blanket. You pay forward. And that creates an energetic space for money to flow to you. It can come from unexpected places. You may receive a correction of the bill, a credit from a store or your last doctor's visit, a bonus at work, a tip from a client. This is how the Universe works. The act of giving to those who need more than you make alchemical miracle to bring you prosperity. Try it. Give with a happy heart. Pay forward and experience abundance.    

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